
In Unity, you can make a multi-threaded web request using the UnityWebRequest class and the UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation class.

In Unity, you can make a multi-threaded web request using the UnityWebRequest class and the UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation class. These classes allow you to send a web request and process the response on a separate thread, without blocking the main thread. This can be useful for improving the performance and responsiveness of your Unity application.

To make a multi-threaded web request in Unity, you first need to create a UnityWebRequest object and set the URL of the server that you want to communicate with. The following code creates a UnityWebRequest object and sets the URL to “http://example.com“:

UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get("http://example.com");

Next, you need to create a UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation object and pass the UnityWebRequest object to its constructor. The UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation object represents the asynchronous operation of sending the web request and receiving the response. The following code creates a UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation object and passes the UnityWebRequest object to its constructor:

UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation operation = new UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation(request);

After creating the UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation object, you can then start the asynchronous operation by calling the SendWebRequest() method on the UnityWebRequest object. The following code starts the asynchronous operation:


To handle the response from the server, you can use the completed event of the UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation object. This event is triggered when the asynchronous operation is completed, and allows you to check the status of the response and access the data returned by the server. The following code shows how to use the completed event to handle the response from the server:

operation.completed += (AsyncOperation obj) => {

  // Check the status of the response

  if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError) {

    // Handle error

  } else {

    // Access the data returned by the server

    byte[] data = request.downloadHandler.data;

    // Do something with the data



In this code, the completed event is used to check the status of the response from the server. If the response is successful (i.e. there is no network or HTTP error), then the data returned by the server is accessed and used. Otherwise, an error is handled.

Overall, making a multi-threaded web request in Unity is a simple process that involves creating a UnityWebRequest object, creating a UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation object, starting the asynchronous operation, and handling the response from the server. By using these classes, you can make web requests on a separate thread, which can improve the performance and responsiveness of your Unity application.

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